Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Finally, New Internet Marketing Resource For Beginners Opens To The Public With Step-By-Step Roadmap To Internet Marketing Success

Finally, New Internet Marketing Resource For Beginners Opens To The Public With Step-By-Step Roadmap To Internet

Marketing Success No Matter What Product, Service or Opportunity You Promote

After years of teaching “Old-School” marketing tactics, watching everything quickly moving to the internet, a

decision was made.

“If I want my marketing business to flourish, I need to learn a new set of skills in order to promote my business online. I need to learn as much as I can so I can teach my downline how to build their business online as well.”

This was just one thought going through my mind during the summer of ‘08. It was either learn how to market on the internet or get left behind.

I was just as guilty as everyone in my “up-line” when it came to teaching “old-school” marketing tactics.

“You need to make a list of your ‘warm-market,’ invite people to meetings, conference calls, 3-way calls, run ads, mail post-cards or flyers, the works!”

In 2008, my “Team,” had reached just over 5,000 people in my downline. The problem was, less than 20% of them were “active” and dropping like flies!

Something had to be done! That’s when I decided to focus on learning everything I could about marketing on the internet, gathering as many “free” and “low-cost” resources as I could have a website built where my downline could access these resources 24/7.

A site that not only gave them access to tons of resources, but also included software, marketing tools, and training videos they would need.

A site they could access 24/7 so if they wanted to learn how to place an ad, where to place an ad - they could do it at 3am in the morning in their pj’s and not have to wait until morning to ask me or their sponsor what to do or how to do it.

While working on this project, some marketers I knew from other companies would call and ask me how my business was doing or what I was up to.

When I described the project I was working on, the response went something like this, “Wow! That’s what my downline needs! Is there any way I can take a look at the site when it’s ready? Is there any way you could build one for my group?”

That’s when it hit me like a ton of bricks! It wasn’t just my group of marketers who wanted or needed a site like the one I was building.

Anyone who had a downline or group of marketers would jump at the chance to give them access to a website like this.

Especially if the site was built to save marketers a ton of money on marketing and built to teach “beginners” how to do things “step-by-step-by-step” with training videos and “cheat-sheets”

BlueDiamondReport.com was born and created for the “Internet Marketing Beginner” - not the “Internet Marketing Gurus.”

Just 11 short months later, the “Member’s Area” includes over 1,000 Free Online Advertising Resources, over 300 videos, over 500 bonus and software downloads...and growing! During this period of time, almost everyone who knew about my project would ask, “When’s it going to be ready? What’s taking so long? Will it ever be done?”

When you’re a “solo act,” creating, designing, learning new skills, and researching everything covered in the Member’s Area of BlueDiamondReport.com (BDR), “slapping it all together in a day” just doesn’t happen.

The Member’s Area of BDR is now in place. Our commercial autoresponder website and software is in place. Our Website Hosting Service is in place. Our Affiliate software is in place. Our “in-house” Traffic Exchange (www.BlueDiamondTraffic.com) software and website is in place.

We’re finally ready to make BDR available to the public, even though we’re in the final stages of setting up several marketing tools for our Affiliates, I’m finally comfortable with “opening the doors.”

There’s so much content in the Member’s Area, it would take you close to a year to get through everything.

BDR offers information, training, software...the WORKS! Covering topics such as:

Affiliate Marketing

Animated GIF Advertising

Article Marketing


Audio-Video Marketing

Banner Ads



Classified Ad (online) Marketing

Ezines & SoloAds

Forums & Newsgroups

Google AdSense

Google AdWords

Facebook, MySpace, Squidoo, Twitter


Press Release Marketing


SEO (Search Engine Optimization)


Traffic Exchanges

Traffic Rotators

Those are just the main areas BDR covers and we’re always adding new resources, benefits, services, software and videos.

Obviously, you don’t want to log in and try to learn how to do everything in one sitting. It’s all there waiting for you 24/7, so you can take your time.

Start with one or two areas. Read through the information provided, start testing some of the resources, and watch any of the videos posted on the subject.

Again, take your time. When you feel confident with what you’ve learned, pick another topic to learn.

There are days when I’m just wiped-out and I really don't want to do anything that requires a lot of brain-power “out-put.”

These are the days I’ll spend time learning new things, placing ads, listening to training audios or watching training videos, taking it all in, “input.”

You don’t have to do EVERYTHING. It will all still be there waiting for you when you’re ready.

A friend of mine once said, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.”

Just before working on the first issue of “The Blue Diamond Report” newsletter, BDR recently added a “Quick-Start Guide - Part 01” to help beginners off to a fast start towards driving traffic to their blog, capture-page, or website...covering 3 main topics just about ANYONE can do the very first day they get started. Just one of those 3 topics allows you to drive 18,000 hits to your website in your first 30 days - without spending a dime!

BDR also added some helpful tools to keep track of your online marketing efforts, usernames, passwords, etc.

BDR has so much to offer to “Internet Marketing Beginners,” and creating our free monthly newsletter is just one benefit they receive by becoming a “BDR Free Affiliate.”

They never have to buy anything from BlueDiamondReport.com to get “The Blue Diamond Report.” In fact, they don’t even have to refer other Affiliates or promote their BDR Affiliate Links for our offers.

I know what it’s like to wonder how I’m going to pay the electric bill, the rent, the phone bill...having to pass-up certain opportunities or learning experiences at the time because my budget just wouldn’t allow it at the time.

To get access to a monthly newsletter just for becoming a “Free Affiliate,” I would have jumped at the chance. If the newsletter knew what it was talking about and the resources worked, once I was able to afford more access, I would.

BlueDiamondReport.com doesn’t require you to make any purchase of any kind to receive our free monthly newsletter, “The Blue Diamond Report - The Internet Marketing Resource For Beginners.”

You get continued free access to our monthly newsletter for as long as you are a “BDR Free Affiliate.

There just might come a day when we offer something new that you feel you just absolutely need, or that you absolutely want to promote to other marketers. We’ll be here to help you when you’re ready.

I don’t like people trying to sell me things. I like to get the information, benefits, features, and decide for myself if that’s what I want to buy.

We’ll do our best to provide our “BDR Free Affiliates” with as many tools we can to help them promote our offers, presenting their prospects with the information, benefits and features to decide for themselves if it’s something they want to buy.


  1. I have been involved with BlueDiamond for some time. Have is very helpful, and is concerned with what everyone is involved in. BDR offers more resources than other programss I've checked out, which cost as much as $4,000. I believe BDR is the "Internet happening" of the decade.

    John B

  2. I have been involved with Blue Diamont now, for some time. Dave is very supportive. He cares about what we are doing. I believe the potential of BDR is fantastic!

    John B
